Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, said its border with the USA will remain closed for non-essential travellers until at least 21 June.

According to CNN, Trudeau called the border a clear point of “vulnerability” for Canada in terms of COVID-19 infections.

Trudeau did not rule out a further extension of the border closure.

The US-Canada border has been closed since 21 March.

“It was the right thing to further extend by 30 days our closure of the Canada, US border to travellers other than essential services and goods, but we will continue to watch carefully what’s happening elsewhere in the world and around us as we make decisions on next steps,” Trudeau said during his daily press conference in Ottawa.

Even if the border does reopen to nonessential travel, CNN reports Trudeau repeated that stronger measures may be put in place, such as requiring quarantine, medical checks and tracking for those entering Canada, including those from the US.

“We know that we need to do more to ensure that travellers who are coming back from overseas or the US as Canadian are being properly followed up on, are properly isolated and don’t become further vectors for the spread of COVID-19,” he added.

According to the World Health Organisation’s latest statistics, the USA’s COVID-19 death toll stands at 92,258, with Canada recording 5,912 coronavirus-related deaths.

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