Ukraine started issuing biometric ID cards with a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).
Unian reports citizens can use these ID cards to access government information systems and electronic services.
The news agency reports the new card was introduced by the Interior Ministry and the State Migration Service, and the first person to test the ID card service was President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“The president of Ukraine has joined 4.4 million owners of modern ID cards,” Arsen Avakov, Ukrainian Interior Minister, said.
“He was the first to use the new service of the Interior Ministry. He received a QES in an ID chip. Now any owner of an ID card may get a QES,” the minister added.
According to Avakov, the ID is based on the Unified State Register and comes with in-built security and biometric data, which will be shared among registries.
Unian reports the ministry will soon showcase “an electronic mirror of a passport, available for citizens aged 18 and up.”
The ministry further stated that QES registration and ID cards are free but not mandatory and carried out at citizen’s request.
The validity period of the QES key certificates will be 24 months.
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