
Tascent Multimodal Biometric Systems and Technology for High Throughput and Mobile Identification and Enrollment.


Tascent develops and deploys biometric identity products and solutions that excel in challenging real-world environments. Each year, tens of millions of people rely on Tascent’s biometric technologies for secure, seamless travel, public safety, and commerce. Founded in 2015, Tascent has a strong heritage in iris recognition and multimodal high-throughput and mobile biometrics, stemming from its acquisition of AOptix TechnologiesÕ Identity Solutions business unit. Tascent is based in Silicon Valley, CA and supports customers and partners globally with offices in Washington DC, Dubai and Singapore.

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The Keesing Platform team brings you the latest in various fields, including security documents, security printing, banknotes, identity management, biometrics, blockchain, crypto technology and online onboarding.

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