The Central Bank of Iran has put a new 100000 banknote into circulation.
The new banknote has been printed in new dimensions with improved security features, according to the Financial Tribune.
The last four zeros have a lighter color.
Indicating the CBI’s plan to remove these zeros from the national currency in the future.
According to the proponents, removing the four zeros is necessary in view of the decreasing value and prestige of the national currency.
The CBI has plans to redenominate the rial by removing four zeros / and change the currency from the rial to the popular “toman”.
As part of the “Reforming Monetary and Banking Law” adopted in May, Iran’s new currency will be toman and each toman will be worth 10000 rials and 100 qerans.
There will be a bridging period of 2 years during which both the toman and rial will be legal tender.
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