Informatics International is a group of companies headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with an industry presence of 35 years in over 20+ E-countries. The group caters for software and SI (IIL), tertiary education (IIT) and agriculture (AgroTech).

The software arm (Informatics International Ltd) is a product company selling IP-based software, and its key areas are in border control, insurance and telco. They have deployed over 100E-projects successfully, with a 400+ strong team which has won several industry recognition awards. IIL are ISO:9001:2015 certified for quality standards, have achieved CMMI Level 3 and are a carbon-neutral company.

The company’s flagship product InfoBorder is a border management system catering to core immigration requirements both locally and internationally, currently securing and controlling the borders of Sri Lanka, Fiji and Mauritius. Other value-added services under e-govt. include but are not limited to person registration (InfoID), the registration of motor vehicles (InfoMotor) and the registration of companies (E-Roc).

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