Document Examination Solutions

Document Examination Solutions provides a high quality forensic document examination service.


Document Examination Solutions (DES) is an Australian based company providing court-ready forensic evidence on the examination of all types of documents. Areas of examination expertise include the comparison of handwriting and signatures and the identification of manipulated and altered documents, including all forms of identity documents. With extensive engagement experience and broad networks, DES experts contribute to international activities through the development and delivery of education programmes, and the completion of other projects where practical knowledge and experience is required. These activities support the development of relevant skills for field and document laboratory officers, most particularly in the area of border management.

For more information on their services, please visit their website:

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The Keesing Platform team brings you the latest in various fields, including security documents, security printing, banknotes, identity management, biometrics, blockchain, crypto technology and online onboarding.

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