The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, also known as Frontex, is continuously working to strengthen the EU borders despite the difficulties associated with COVID-19.

Frontex said in a media statement it is developing various projects in a bid to enhance technological capabilities critical for border security, including:

  • Intuitive user interfaces and wearables supported by Artificial Intelligence and with Augmented Reality capabilities,
  • 3D facial and iris verification technology for “real-on-the-move” border crossing experience,
  • digital identity based on blockchain technology,
  • highly accurate and cost effective handheld devices for drug and precursors detection on the field.

Frontex said it has identified seven ongoing projects of interest for the European Border and Coast Guard community – ANDROMEDA, ARESIBO, BorderSens, COMPASS2020, D4FLY, MIRROR and PERCEPTIONS – which address a wide spectrum of technological capabilities critical for border security, including unmanned platforms, document fraud detection, situational awareness, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, integrated systems and identification of illicit drugs and their precursors.

Frontex, as the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, together with the Member States, ensure safe and well-functioning external borders provide security to the citizens of the block and travellers to the Schengen Area.

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