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Yearly Archives: 2018
Continuous register
A text or image that fits together seamlessly if you hold the ends of the substrate together.
Combination watermark
An image and/or text created during the paper production process by varying the density of the paper.
The combination watermark consists of a single-tone and...
Changeable Laser Image
A laser-generated optically variable image, composed of vertical lines.
Clear window
A transparent window in a synthetic or hybrid substrate.
Blind recognition
An inkless relief feature that can consist of shapes,symbols,numbers and/or letters.
Blind embossing is a tactile feature that can be applied onto paper and/ or...
Black ink that penetrates the paper and appears as red on the opposite side of the substrate.
2D Barcode
A sequence of squares containing information that may be read by a scanner.
1D Barcode
A sequence of lines containing information that may be read by a scanner.
Barcode watermark
An image and/or text created during the paper production process by varying the density of the paper.
A barcode watermark consists of lighter and darker...
Ink containing optically variable pigments that generate a noticeable colour change (shift), depending on the angle of view and/or incidence of light.
Aurora uses optically...