Monthly Archives: June 2013
Forensic documentology
Organised crime is increasingly crossing international borders and perpetrating crimes such as the smuggling and trafficking of humans, drugs and pharmaceuticals. All these related...
Innovation drives hologram document protection
It might be more than 65 years since the invention of the hologram but today the technology remains a potent weapon in the ongoing...
The biometric sea
The use of biometrics as identifiers in public and private applications, and even for personal use is ever increasing, bringing about challenges regarding storage...
Current machine authentication of security documents
The success of ICAO’s electronic document initiative has led to a large number of e-MRTDs currently in circulation, requiring the deployment of travel document...
ID Ecosystems
Delivering secure government ID credentials is a complex endeavour, subject to the integration of many processes and interdependencies. The personalisation and issuance of ID...
ICAO Public Key Directory
According to a survey conducted by ICAOís NTWG, over 500 million e-Passports, issued by more than a 100 different states and non-state entities, are...
Part 1: Seeing eye to eye on iris recognition
Ravi Das
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the use of biometrics increased dramatically as a means of positively verifying and/or identifying an individual....
Optically variable devices have become a ubiquitous part of everyday life, with holographic, opalescent and colour-shifting features adorning a multitude of products. Of these,...